Thursday, July 31, 2008

Crazy Drivers.

Today I just realized that there are too many crazy drivers on the road. Does anyone ever stop behind the stop sign anymore? Does anyone ever use their blinker to change lanes, or is that optional now a days? And the people that ride your bumper even though you are going the speed limit, I tend to slow down just to annoy them. Safe drivers...where are you? When I do come upon a good driver I just want to get out of my car and worship them. But then I would cause an accident. And I must worship any other image except God. Maybe I can give them a big hug. Seriously though, it's getting to the point where you have to check your mirrors all the time because others just think they can rule the road with their driving, like they have the right. And the BYU students and the crosswalks, didn't their mothers teach them to stop and look both ways before they cross the road? They think they can just walk right out onto the crosswalk without warning, without looking and expect us, the drivers, to stop on a dime for them. You think they would have more brains, or do they think they are God's gift to the world because they go to BYU? Sorry, I'm ranting...but, just bringing up a topic that really frustrates me to no end. Please be a cautious driver and a good pedestrian.

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